Cancelled NH Members 4_2021

Don't tell us no lies 💬

We Get It...We're Kind of Idiots

In this crazy world we live in...we get it. Things happen. Life happens. We just want to take this opportunity to figure out if we did or did not do anything to inspire your Nut Hut cancellation.We want to make sure everyone is getting their $10 worth each and every month. We realize there are plenty of places you can give that money to. No matter what, we greatly appreciate your support of the TJ Podcast, blog and brand. Would you be so kind to answer these few questions about your Nut Hut experience to help us create a better product moving forward? It should only take 5 minutes or less.We would also LOVE to have you back in the Hut! - With Warmest Regards,   DB, Pat & Chalk Bomb Ben


or to participate.